Monthly Archives: July 2017

Quotation of the Day (Thoreau) – July 13, 2017

On New York City: “They created a lot of grand palaces here, but they forgot to create the noblemen to put in them.” – attributed to Thoreau by Robert Riskin, screenplay writer for “Mr. Deeds Goes to Town” (1936), though I have not actually found this quotation in any book by Thoreau.

One of his most impressive abilities was that he could stand so perfectly still, not flinching at bugs, and do this for so long that wild animals would approach and sniff him.

Quotation of the Day – July 7, 2017 (updated)

Someone once said, “The greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century was the breakup of the Soviet Union.”  According to some translations, he said “demise,” according to others “collapse.”  But that’s not the word that needs correcting.  To make the statement true, it should read: The greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century was the creation of the Soviet Union.

Hitler’s rise was powered by outside two forces (in addition to his personality): Loathing of the Jews and hatred of communism.  If there is no USSR, the source of half his power is much reduced.  Unlikely that he could have ridden to the chancellorship on the anti-Semitic horse alone.