Monthly Archives: August 2016

Trump and the Teleprompter – August 28, 2016

Robertson Davies wrote an essay called “Ham and Tongue” back in 1977, when he obviously did not have Donald Trump and the teleprompter in mind.  But what he wrote back then fits today – you can always tell when Trump is speaking words written for him, and when he’s saying what he thinks at the moment.  “Politicians were probably the first to discover that the script might as well be prepared by somebody else…  Politicians – slapdash fellows with a boundless faith in the gullibility of mankind – all too often give speeches which are as new to them as to the audience, and not infrequently they come upon words that are unfamiliar to them and ideas that surprise them.”  (I have taken the liberty of changing some of Davies’ past tenses to present.)

Prediction for 2017

Who will be the first high-profile Clinton cabinet member to resign under a cloud?  My money is on current Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe.  While he’s an effective fund-raiser, he’s also the sort of politician who just isn’t able to stay out of trouble, who can’t resist taking a short cut.  Don’t know what post she will appoint him to, but I’m betting he won’t last twelve months from the day he’s sworn in.  People will be comparing him to Jimmy Carter’s OMB Director, Bert Lance.

Quotation of the Day – August 21, 2016

“You know the Republicans – honestly folks, our leaders have to get tougher.  This is too tough to do it alone, but you know what I think?  I’m going to be forced to.” – Donald Trump; the surprising thing is not that he implied he couldn’t expect much help from the GOP, but when he said it.  The writing was already on the wall months ago.  This quotation is taken from a rally in Atlanta during the second week of June.  See USA Today, June 18, 2016.